About The Human Media Lab

The Human Media Lab (HML) at Radboud University is one of Europe's premier multidisciplinary media laboratories. Inventions from our lab include the ubiquitous eye input sensor, eye input for smartphones, Attentive User Interfaces, attentive earphones, the foldable smartphone and computer, the flexible smartphone, interactive drone swarms and light field holographic video-conferencing. We are currently working on the design of Neuromorphic Interaction.

HML is directed by prof. dr. Roel Vertegaal, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at Radboud University's Institute for Computing and Information Science. Working with him are affiliated professors, graduate and undergraduate students with backgrounds in Computing, Design, Psychology and Engineering.

Location: The Human Media Lab is located on the 1st floor of Mercator I at Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

E-Mail: info[at]hml.cs.ru.nl
Physical Mail: Toernooiveld 212, 6525 EC, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 24 3 65 27 28‬