dr. Hanna Schraffenberger


dr. Hanna Schraffenberger


Hanna Schraffenberger is an assistant professor and creative researcher studying digital autonomy from a human-centered perspective. She focuses on privacy—and security-enhancing technologies, online manipulation, and AI-supported decision-making.

Hanna conducts playful hands-on research where the design of proof of concepts and interactive artifacts plays a central role in identifying questions and obtaining knowledge. She employs a critical, constructive, and creative perspective toward digitalization and aims to develop software that puts public values central. Hanna is passionate about education and teaches courses on human-centered security and AI, as well as requirements engineering and design. She cares about diversity in ICT and strongly believes in interdisciplinary research and team science. She leads the special interest group 'Autonomy, persuasion, and manipulation in the digital sphere'. 

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