David Holman. Designing Organic User Interfaces. PhD Thesis, Queen's University, January 9th, 2014.
David Holman. PaperWindows: Interaction Techniques for Digital Paper. MSc Thesis, Queen's University, July 28th, 2005. [PDF]
David Holman. Designing Organic User Interfaces. PhD Thesis, Queen's University, January 9th, 2014.
David Holman. PaperWindows: Interaction Techniques for Digital Paper. MSc Thesis, Queen's University, July 28th, 2005. [PDF]
Douglas Wightman. Search Interfaces for Integrating Crowdsourced Code Snippets within Development Environments. PhD Thesis, Queen's University, 2013. [PDF]
John Bolton. Exploring the Use of 360 Degree Curvilinear Displays for the Presentation of 3D Information. MSc Thesis, Queen's University, 2012. [PDF].