The top international conference in tangible computing interfaces, the ACM SIGCHI conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI 2012 will take place at the Human Media Lab at Queen's University at 19th-22nd of February 2012 in Kingston. This conference will showcase the most exciting current developments in computing interfaces from top research laboratories around the world, including Microsoft Research, Disney, MIT Media Lab and Carnegie Mellon.
We welcome you to register for this event. Please register as soon as possible as space for this event is limited and filling up quickly.
Come join us to celebrate a fantastic week of new ideas, cool crowds, great music and excellent food & drink. Work presented at TEI addresses Human-Computer Interaction issues, design, interactive art, user experience, tools and technologies, with a strong focus on how computing can bridge atoms and bits into cohesive interactive systems. The intimate size of this single-track conference provides a unique forum for exchanging ideas and presenting innovative work through talks, amazing interactive demonstrations, videos, hands-on studios, posters, art installations. Enjoy keynote talks by top researchers and designers, an amazing set of 40 interactive hi-tech demo presentations, and a special electronic music laser performance in the TEI 2012 GRAND theatre on Monday, and a performance by Steve Mann, the world's first cyborg, on Sunday.
The peer-reviewed technical program comprises talks, interactive demonstrations, and posters on tangible interaction. A juried Art Salon comprises tangibly interactive art and performance; and a design challenge will feature design teams pitching their ideas for real products. Don't miss the opening night reception on Sunday at the Agnes Etherington. Get a hands-on experience of building your own hardware, including electronic glass blowing, with the Studio track, which take place on Tuesday, February 21st. The conference theme, FOLD UNFOLD, will be celebrated through a special invited workshop on Origami by MIT's Jason Ku.
TEI 2012 is sponsored by the ACM SIGCHI with support from Disney Research, Seeed Studio, Sparkfun, the US National Science Foundation, GRAND, and the Human Media Lab.
More information on venues and getting to the conference.
We look forward to seeing you at TEI 2012 in Kingston, February 19th-22nd, 2012!
Roel Vertegaal
General Chair
ACM TEI 2012